MCB vs. Fuse: Which One Is Better for Overcurrent Protection?

MCB vs. Fuse: Which One Is Better for Overcurrent Protection?

Safety is a principal watchword when we are dealing with electricity and electrical equipment. Whether you are building a new home or renovating an existing one, whether it is an office or an industrial setup, one crucial decision looms large: how should you protect your electrical circuits from overloads and faults? In this age-old debate of MCB (Miniature Circuit Breaker) vs. Fuses, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. Each option offers its own set of advantages and limitations, making it essential to understand the nuances of both to make an informed choice.

In this article, we shall delve into the intricate world of electrical protection to explore the difference between fuse and MCB. We shall examine their mechanisms, applications, and the factors that should influence your decision when it comes to safeguarding your project’s electrical circuits. By the end, you will be equipped with the knowledge needed to make the right choice of circuit breaker vs. fuse for your specific electrical needs, ensuring the safety and reliability of your power supply.

MCB and Fuse: What are they?

An MCB is an adjustable electrical circuit protection device that ceases electricity flow in a circuit in case there is a fault. MCBs trip on the occurrence of overloads or short-circuiting, but rarely during ground faults.

A fuse is a protective electrical device that self-destroys and breaks the flow of electric current in a circuit when the current surpasses a preset value.

Fuse and MCB: How do they work?

From the definitions, you know what is the function of circuit breakers and fuses. They are both protective devices in electrical circuits. But how do they go about achieving that end?

An MCB employs a dual mechanism based on both electromagnetic and thermal principles to protect electrical circuits. It can swiftly disconnect power during short circuits through its electromagnetic component and also responds to overloads through a bimetallic strip mechanism. The bimetallic strip bends due to excessive heat generated by the overload, causing the MCB to interrupt the current flow, ensuring circuit safety.

A fuse operates by utilizing the thermal properties of conducting materials. It comprises a conductor, typically a metal wire, with a specific current-carrying capacity. When an excessive amount of current flows through the fuse, the conductor material heats up, ultimately reaching a point where it melts. This melting action acts as a barrier, interrupting the current flow and safeguarding the circuit.

Differences Between MCB and Fuse

Although the primary function of both MCB and fuse is to protect the devices they are connected to, there are a few fundamental differences between the two. Knowing the differences between MCB and fuse is important to understand which one would suit best for a particular requirement. So, here are a few important differences between the two:

1. Speed of MCB and Fuse: Which is Faster?

Miniature circuit breakers operate at a speed of 20ms during short circuits while fuses take 2ms to operate under the same circumstances. When people ask why use fuses instead of circuit breakers, the high speed of action for fuses is a major reason to consider.

2. Tripping Element Used in MCB and Fuse

The tripping element is another aspect of the difference between fuse and MCB. Miniature circuit breakers have an electromagnetic core characterised by a plunger arrangement for protection against short-circuiting. They also have a bimetallic strip to protect against current overloads.

Fuses, on the other hand, are equipped with wires composed of metals like aluminium, silver, copper, and so on. These wires melt on the occurrence of faults like short-circuiting or overloading.

3. Reusing MCB and Fuse

What sets MCBs apart is their resettable nature. After a trip, you can simply reset the MCB by flipping it back to the "ON" position, restoring power to the circuit without the need for replacement.

However, unless fuses are rewireable, you cannot reuse them once they melt.

4. Application of MCB and Fuse

MCBs are primarily intended for low-voltage circuit protection. They find application in protecting lighting circuits, residential setups, and certain industrial systems. However, they have a limitation on their short circuit current rating, typically not exceeding 15kA.

On the other hand, a diverse range of fuses can be found on the market, with varying voltage and current ratings. These are suitable for safeguarding a broad spectrum of equipment. They serve purposes ranging from safeguarding small electronic circuits to heavy-duty electric motors. Fuses are thus suitable for both domestic and a varied range of industrial applications, another answer to the question of why use fuses instead of circuit breakers.

Read Also: 5 Differences Between MCB And MCCB

Pocket pinch of MCB and fuse: Which is costlier?

Fuses are generally cheaper than miniature circuit breakers. Therefore, when we compare fuse and MCB for affordability, fuses win over MCBs

MCB vs. Fuse at a glance

Category MCB Fuse
Definition A circuit protection device that trips when there is excess current flow Protective device that self-destructs when the current surpasses a preset value in the circuit
Working mechanism Dual mechanism based on both electromagnetic and thermal principles Operates by utilizing the thermal properties of conducting materials
Speed Slower Faster
Tripping element Electromagnetic core with a plunger arrangement Metallic wires
Reusability Usually, can be reused Usually, cannot be reused
Voltage Suitability Low voltage circuit protection Suitable for varying voltages from very low to very high
Applications Lighting circuits, residential setups, and some industrial systems Wide range of applications from small electronic circuits to heavy-duty electric motors
Cost More expensive Less expensive

Find the best quality MCB and fuse at the Schneider Electric eShop!

Now that you have all the information you require in the battle of circuit breaker vs. fuse, you are equipped to make the right choice of the protective device that would be best suited to your needs.

However, regardless of whether you are looking for an MCB or a fuse, you need to look no further than the Schneider Electric eShop, your trusted companion in the world of electrical equipment for over two decades. Visit the website to browse the extensive range of safe, high-quality fuses and MCBs at the best prices in the market. You can also contact the eShop for further queries or if you need more information regarding MCB, fuse, or any other electrical equipment!