Preventing electrical accidents is one of the prerequisites for any business. Whether you are installing any electrical equipment or working with electrical devices, you must follow general electrical safety rules. In India, industries need to follow the Indian Electricity Rules 1956, which was last revised in 2020. 

Electrical safety rules in India for industries

There are many rules under the Indian electrical standards and Indian Electricity Rule 1956. And if you run a business in India, you must have a thorough knowledge of the various legal obligations which are related to electrical safety. But reading all the rules is a time-consuming and tedious process. So, here is a comprehensive list of the most important Indian electricity rules that you need to keep in mind to ensure safe business operations. Some of the points also cover the legalities associated with the rules. 

Read Also: Best Electrical Safety Tips to Keep Your Home Safe

Indian Electricity Rules 1956 – statutory requirements 

Let us check out the statutory rules for electrical safety in India:

  • Indian Electricity Rule – 29

All electrical apparatus and supply lines should be of appropriate ratings. 

  • Indian Electricity Rule – 30

 As per this rule, all wires, devices, accessories, and power supply lines should be kept in safe conditions. They should also be able to supply energy while being free from any kind of danger. 

Underground electrical lines should be well-protected and duly insulated. Industries must also ensure that even if there is any kind of damage to the insulation – chemical, electrical, or mechanical, the line must remain secure under all conditions. 

  • Indian Electricity Rule – 32

Proper and appropriate identification is a must for a grounded and earthed neutral conductor. Also, the position of the circuit breakers and the switches must be ensured. 

Read Also: Types Of Circuit Breakers And Their Importance

  • Indian Electricity Rule – 33 

It is mandatory to provide and maintain a suitable earth terminal at an accessible position, preferably near the start point of the supply line. 

  • Indian Electricity Rule – 34 

Bare conductors are used in many places for different requirements. Industries should make sure that these bare conductors are inaccessible. It is best if they can be fitted with switches so that they can be turned off whenever required. This switch position should be easily accessible. 

  • Indian Electricity Rule – 35 

All medium, high, and very high voltage installations must have a danger notice written in English or Hindi and the local language of the place. There should also be a skull and bone sign indicating danger in the installation area. The skull and bone sign should be made as per specifications in IS No. 2551. 

  • Indian Electricity Rule – 36

Any worker working on an electrical device or an electrical power line must use proper safety tools and devices like rubber shoes, gloves, ladders, helmets, seat belts, hand lamps, line testers, and so on. These tools protect against electrical or mechanical injury.  Employers should make sure that these tools are well-maintained and in proper working conditions. 

Along with the required safety tools, no person will work on live electrical supply lines or devices without proper authorization. 

  • Indian Electricity Rule- 37

Overhead cranes are very useful but should be used very carefully. Overhead cranes are mostly powered by some external source. There must be an appropriate cut-off switch to cut off voltage at once when required. Also, the complete structure of overhead cranes must be grounded properly. 

  • Indian Electricity Rule – 38

Industries must refrain from using flexible cables for transformers, electric drills, generators, motors, welding stations, rectifiers, electric sprayers, and similar devices. However, if the flexible cables have strong insulation and adequate protection against mechanical damage, they can be used. 

  • Indian Electricity Rule – 43

Adequate arrangements must be available for combating electrical fires. Proper fire-fighting devices must be installed and maintained. Industries must ensure the availability of personal protective equipment and a first aid kit. 

  • Indian Electricity Rule – 46 

Proper testing and inspection of all electrical installations by a licensed electrical inspector should be made mandatory at periodic intervals. The inspection should be scheduled at least every 5 years. 

  • Indian Electricity Rule – 61A

There must be an earth leakage protection device wherever necessary. 

  • Indian Electricity Rule – 67

Very high and high voltage installations often have many non-current-carrying parts. All these parts should be earthed effectively to a proper earthing system. 

  • Indian Electricity Rule – 91

Any overhead line in a public place or any part of the street must be protected with an appropriate device. 

  • Indian Electricity Rule – 92

The ground wire of a surge arrester should never pass through any steel or iron pipe. It is best conducted directly from the surge arrester to a separate earth electrode. 

The above list is some of the most important electrical safety rules in India that industries must follow. 

Electrical Safety Checklist

In an industrial capacity safety holds an important role. It is crucial for the well-being of the employees, prevents accidents and mishaps, enhances the productivity and morale of the employees, and mitigates the risks of costly legal liabilities. Overall, a strong safety culture in industries fosters a healthier and more effective workplace. Talking about electrical safety in industries, one needs to be aware of various aspects to achieve that. Let’s see a few items on the electrical safety checklist that ensure a secure workplace and prevent electrical hazards. 

  • Regular equipment inspection for probable wear, damage, or overheating.
  • Verify the functionality of circuit breakers and fuses to ensure circuit protection from overloading. 
  • Keep electrical panels accessible and free from obstructions.
  • See that all emergency protocols and procedures are intact. 
  • Ensure the availability and functionality of emergency shut-off switches. 
  • Provide training and awareness programs for employees on electrical safety protocols.
  • Ensure the availability and proper use of PPE, such as insulated gloves and safety goggles.
  • Communicate and implement lockout/tagout procedures during maintenance to prevent accidental activation of electrical systems.
  • Schedule routine electrical inspections by qualified professionals to address and promptly rectify the issues, if any. 

Electrical Safety Signs and Posters

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Every workplace has certain protocols in place. They hold great importance for the smooth functioning of a workspace. Such are safety signs and posters in the electrical industry. These are placed to help employees during any calamity/accident or otherwise. Effective electrical safety signs and posters serve as constant reminders, reinforcing safety protocols and promoting a culture of awareness. These visual cues contribute to the overall safety culture, reducing the risk of electrical accidents and creating a secure workplace for all personnel. Let us have a look at some of the electrical safety signs and posters. 

  • Various warning signals to notify personnel about dangerous areas like high voltage areas, electrical shock hazards, the importance of PPE, etc.
  • Equipment guidelines that provide signs indicating proper usage, maintenance, and precautions to be used for electrical equipment. 
  • Display posters outlining emergency response procedures for electrical incidents, including evacuation routes and emergency shutdown protocols.
  • Lockout/tagout procedures to prevent accidental activation of electrical systems during maintenance. 
  • Posters reminding workers to report electrical issues promptly, perform regular equipment inspections, and follow established safety protocols.

Why is Electrical Safety Important?

The safety of employees is crucial for any workspace, irrespective of industry. But there are certain industries where one needs to be extra careful for the overall safety and well-being of the workspace and employees. One such industry is the electrical industry. Electrical safety is indispensable for preserving human life, safeguarding property, maintaining operational continuity, and complying with legal requirements. Prioritizing electrical safety contributes to a secure and efficient working environment, benefiting both individuals and organizations in the long run.

Certain advantages of taking care of electrical safety include, 

  • Safeguarding of human life
  • Protection of property and residential, commercial, and industrial settings.

Furthermore, prioritizing electrical safety is essential for maintaining a compliant and legally sound workplace. Adhering to safety regulations and standards helps avoid penalties, fines, and legal liabilities. It also fosters a positive work environment, boosting employee morale and productivity. Regular training and awareness initiatives promote safe practices, reducing the likelihood of accidents.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What is the basic electrical safety in the industry?

A. Basic electrical safety practices in the industry include:

  1. Regular equipment inspections for wear and damage.
  2. Proper training for personnel on handling electrical systems.
  3. Adequate labeling of electrical panels and circuits.
  4. Implementation of lockout/tagout procedures during maintenance.
  5. Ensuring all personnel wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE).
  6. Compliance with electrical codes and regulations.
  7. Emergency response planning, including evacuation routes.
  8. Providing clear signage and warnings for high-voltage areas.
  9. Conducting routine electrical system audits and testing.
  10. Establishing a culture of awareness and accountability for electrical safety.

Q2. What are 10 safety rules in electrical?

A. Basic electrical safety practices in the industry include:

  1. Regular equipment inspections for wear and damage.
  2. Proper training for personnel on handling electrical systems.
  3. Adequate labeling of electrical panels and circuits.
  4. Implementation of lockout/tagout procedures during maintenance.
  5. Ensuring all personnel wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE).
  6. Compliance with electrical codes and regulations.
  7. Emergency response planning, including evacuation routes.
  8. Providing clear signage and warnings for high-voltage areas.
  9. Conducting routine electrical system audits and testing.
  10. Establishing a culture of awareness and accountability for electrical safety.

Q3. What are 5 electrical safety tips?

A. Working in the electrical industry, one has to take care of 5 electrical safety tips stated below. 

  1. Regular Inspections: Conduct routine checks on electrical equipment for signs of wear or damage.
  2. Proper Wiring: Ensure all wiring is correctly installed and free from frays or exposed elements.
  3. Caution with Water: Keep electrical appliances away from water sources to prevent shocks.
  4. Overloading Prevention: Avoid overloading circuits and outlets to prevent overheating and potential fires.
  5. Professional Maintenance: Engage qualified professionals for electrical repairs and maintenance to ensure safety compliance and proper functioning of systems.

Q4. What are the 5 golden rules of electrical safety?

A. The golden rules of electrical safety that one must adhere to while working in the electrical industry are:

  • Assume All Wires Are Live: Treat all electrical equipment and wires as if they are energized.
  • Use Proper Tools: Employ tools suitable for electrical work to minimize the risk of accidents.
  • Turn Off Power: Always turn off power before working on electrical circuits or equipment.
  • Lockout/Tagout Procedures: Implement lockout/tagout procedures during maintenance to prevent accidental activation.
  • Seek Professional Help: Engage qualified electricians for repairs and installations, ensuring adherence to safety standards and regulations.