Depth |
15 mm |
Electrical Connection |
7 x 1.5 mm² screw terminal block with pitch 3.5 mm adjustment for inputs and outputs |
Height |
41 mm |
Marking |
CE |
Net Weight |
0.024 kg |
Product Compatibility |
Easy Modicon M200 |
Product or Component Type |
analogue I/O cartridge |
Range of Product |
Easy Modicon M200 |
Width |
35 mm |
Absolute Accuracy Error |
+/- 1 % of full scale at 55 °C |
Analogue Input Number |
2 |
Analogue Input Resolution |
16 bits |
Analogue Input Type |
current 4...20 mA |
Analogue Output Number |
1 |
Analogue Output Resolution |
16 bits |
Analogue Output Type |
current: 4...20 mA |
Conversion Time |
2 ms |
Cross Talk |
80 dB |
Input Impedance |
<= 250 Ohm current |
Insulation |
between output and internal logic |
Load Impedance Ohmic |
<= 500 Ohm |
Load Type |
resistive |
Local Signalling |
1 LED (green) for PWR |
Lsb Value |
2 µA 0...5 Vvoltage 4...20 mA current |
Maximum Cable Distance Between Devices |
twisted shielded pairs cable: <30 m for input/output |
Permissible Continuous Overload |
40 mA, analogue input type: current |
Sampling Duration |
1 ms |
Stabilisation Time |
40 ms |
Type of Cable |
twisted shielded pairs cable |