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- The standard IEC60034-17 clearly defines the admissible dV/dT levels for motor to be used with variable frequency drive. Hence the motors, which complies the dV/dT as per this standard only will be considered as VFD graded motor. The permissible limits are indicated in below picture
- Also, the standard NEMA MG 1-2011, Part 31, specifies that insulation systems to use with VFD in low-voltage (≤ 600 V) inverter-duty motors should be designed to withstand an upper limit of 3.1 times the motor's rated line-to-line voltage. This is equivalent to an upper limit of 1413 V peak volts at the motor terminals for a motor rated at 456V (415+10%). Rise times must equal or exceed 0.1 microseconds.
- The customer has mentioned that the peak voltage withstand capacity is 1 KV/μS, which is much lesser than the limit mentioned in above standards. Hence the motor cannot be used with VFD with the standard cable length provided in the catalog.
- If you need to use the motor with VFD, it is mandatory to use motor choke or sinus filter to reduce the dV/dT and peak voltage at motor terminal, the picture below will provide the dV/dT limit with motor choke.

- Use ModNet native protocol has Vijeo Citect (Modbus TCP or series) .
- Using the OPC Server through Schneider OFSOPC driver (Modbus TCP or series based on the configuration of the alias)