50 ผลลัพธ์

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Power Factor controller, PowerLogic PFC Controller, VPL 12 + Extension Warranty 2 year
THB 24,275
THB 37,774
Power Factor controller, PowerLogic PFC Controller, VPL 12 + Extension Warranty 1 year
THB 23,325
THB 36,824
Power Factor controller, PowerLogic PFC Controller, VPL 6 + Extension Warranty 2 year
THB 19,961
THB 31,061
Power Factor controller, PowerLogic PFC Controller, VPL 6 + Extension Warranty 1 year
THB 19,161
THB 30,261
power meter PowerLogic PM5560, 2 ethernet, up to 63th Harmonic, 1,1MB 4DI/2DO 52 alarms + Extension Warranty 2 year
THB 46,825
THB 46,825
power meter PowerLogic PM5560, 2 ethernet, up to 63th Harmonic, 1,1MB 4DI/2DO 52 alarms + Extension Warranty 1 year
THB 44,925
THB 44,925
power meter PowerLogic PM5330, modbus, up to 31st Harmonic, 256KB 2DI/2DO 35 alarms + Extension Warranty 2 year
THB 31,859
THB 31,859
power and energy meter PowerLogic PM5350 with THD, alarming + Extension Warranty 2 year
THB 32,920
THB 51,136
power meter PowerLogic PM5110, modbus, up to 15th Harmonic, 1DO 33 alarms + Extension Warranty 2 year
THB 20,127
THB 20,127
power meter PowerLogic PM5110, modbus, up to 15th Harmonic, 1DO 33 alarms + Extension Warranty 1 year
THB 19,277
THB 19,277
EasyLogic PM2230, Power & Energy meter, up to the 31st harmonic, LCD display, RS485, class 0.5S + Extension Warranty 2 year
THB 7,655
THB 12,046
EasyLogic PM2220, Power & Energy meter, up to the 15th harmonic, LCD display, RS485, class 1 + Extension Warranty 2 year
THB 7,456
THB 7,456