Why are MCBs preferred over fuses?

Why are MCBs preferred over fuses?

You must remember a time at your home or office space when someone said “the fuse has gone out”. You must have known then that a fuse going out means there is an issue with the power supply. For a long time, these fuses were the first defense against electrical surges leading to short circuits. They were built to defend our appliances and devices from damage and were the most popular electrical circuit protection devices on the market. Today, though, fuses have taken a backseat with the invention of a more modular and reliable circuit protection device known as Miniature Circuit Breaker Or MCB.

Miniature Circuit Breakers - An Overview

MCBs began to receive widespread use in the 1920s. These are often differentiated from fuses, with their ability to ‘flip’ back after a short circuit. MCBs, unlike fuses, don’t need to be replaced after a short circuit and don’t ‘blow’ out. They also offer high levels of safety and reliability and are used in high-consumption areas such as airports, solar parks, high-speed trains, and office complexes, amongst others.

In comparison, fuses offer a cheaper but less reliable alternative to MCBs. While fuses do offer high current limiting capacity, their core characteristic of having to be replaced after every outage makes it hassle some.

Apart from these, let’s look at some more reasons why MCBs are preferred over fuses.

High Sensitivity - MCBs are more sensitive to picking up current abnormalities than fuses. Hence, these are considered more reliable since they can easily pick up even small alternations.

Prompt Action - MCBs usually work quickly when it comes to detecting and resolving overloading and voltage conditions. They also have a prompt automatic system that works against short circuits.

Cost-Effective - Even though fuses are cheaper in price compared to MCBs, they need to be constantly replaced. This compounds the long-term cost associated with investing in a fuse. MCBs, on the other, are reusable. They require less maintenance and don’t need frequent replacements.

Easy To Use - It’s very easy to manually restart the MCB after it has ‘tripped’. Anyone can do this without the intervention of technicians or electricians. This saves costs as well.

Safe - MCBs are safer than fuses, especially when it comes to handling them manually.

Reliable - MCBs have a higher capacity to detect and mitigate the risks of short circuits. In cases of fuses, these blow out and can occasionally lead to small fires. MCBs, on the other hand, are more robust and don’t usually escalate to electrical fires.

Earth Leakage - Earth leakages occur when a piece of equipment has faulty insulation. This leads to the leaking of the current from the electrical system to the earth. This scenario can be dangerous since if left undetected, these can lead to electric shocks. Installing an MCB serves the dual purpose of controlling power surges and also detecting earth leakages.

Low Downtime - MCBs have a shorter tripping time and this makes it very convenient in spaces where long power outages can cause work interruptions.

Identification - The use of MCB will help you exactly pinpoint the fault zones in our electrical circuit.

Overall, MCBs are a better investment than fuses. Even though these are slightly more expensive, they are more reliable, offer advanced protection, and require fewer replacements. Where can you invest in good MCBs? Let’s check that out in our next section.


Miniature Circuit Breakers (MCBs) by Schneider Electric

Schneider Electric is a recognized brand in the world of electrical accessories and protection devices. The brand has developed a range of devices that protect, enhance and improve our everyday lives, which are surrounded by electrical gadgets and appliances. One such range of electrical circuit protection devices offered by Schneider Electric is MCBs. These are known for their high quality and durability compared to other offerings in the market. In addition, Schneider Electric ensures that MCBs meet the highest standards of safety before being launched. The MCBs by Schneider Electric are certified and come with a guarantee of protection.

The MCB offered by Schneider Electric is easy to install and use. In addition, they deliver high performance at a reduced cost. Their durability is another factor that makes them one of the best MCB providers in India. The brand has also taken measures to ensure its products are environmentally friendly and the MCBs are made of 100% recyclable and reusable materials.

Schneider Electric takes the protection of your home very seriously and offers products that secure your space at all times. Head to Schneider Electric to invest in quality products.