Reasons why electrical sockets should be installed with electrical switches

Reasons why electrical sockets should be installed with electrical switches

Have you ever wondered why sockets are almost never installed without a switch? Well, there are genuine reasons for it and in today’s post we tell you about them.

A Safety Hazard

First and foremost, understand the relationship between a switch and socket. The switch is used to isolate the circuit from mains power. In the absence of a switch, you have no control over transmission of current and the socket remains live all the time. It can be a veritable safety hazard for your home and loved ones. An always-on socket can cause fire or electric shock to unsuspecting users. If you don’t have a modern, shuttered sockets in your home, then a live socket also becomes a child-safety issue.

Increased Energy Consumption

In absence of a switch the circuit keeps drawing power and increases the idle load. Having more of these solo sockets around your home can up your electricity consumption along with upping the electrical safety risks. Also, some state electricity providers count your home’s sanctioned load by counting the number of power outlets in the constructed area. So, having more of these unchecked power outlets may increase your fixed charges from the DISCOM.

A Daily Hassle

Last but not the least, a socket without an electrical switch means that you have no option but to unplug a device or appliance every time after use. While for things like smartphone chargers it may not seem like a big hassle, but for general purpose appliances like ovens, clothing irons and washing machines, it become a running hassle after some time. Moreover, not having a switch in place also means that the process of plugging and unplugging cords can become unsafe if the socket ever becomes faulty.

So those are the reasons why we always see switch socket combinations in electrical application. Reading this post while researching an electrical setup for your new or existing home? If you are looking for the best switches, sockets and electrical protection devices, we would be happy to assist you. Now you can buy state-of-the-art modular switches and sockets online from India’s top electrical brand Schneider Electric. Visit our online electrical shop at