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Goals and Symptoms How can we order a RONIS key number 200 or 201, for XB6 selector switches? Facts and Changes RONIS key number 200, 201, 202 and 203 XB6 selector switches how to order key in spare parts Causes and Fixes The reference ZB6Y007 is corresponding to the Ronis key number E200. ZB6Y008 ref is corresponding to key Dom 311. ZB6Y007 is a set of 2 keys E200 The other key numbers (E201, E202, E203) are available to order separately, by set of 2 keys References ZB6Y201 for key E201 ZB6Y202 for key E202 ZB6Y203 for key E203 These 3 ref do not appear in the catalogue
Issue: Versions of the TSX Micro/Premium firmware needed in order to use the PCMCIA memory backup card TSXMFPB096K Product Line: TSX Micro/Premium, PL7 Resolution: The TSXMFPB096K can be use on the Premium (TSX57) Version 5.5 and later and for the Micro (TSX-37) Version 5.1 and later.


eDesign Reseller Flow is in an online tool, which is accessed directly from the distributors website Schneider Electric / eDesign doesn't store the cart or payment information for Reseller sites. For any cart or purchase or payment related issues / queries for Reseller sites, please reach out to your respective Distributor partners.
Issue: Schneider Electric Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale Product Line: ALL Environment: ALL Resolution: This is a published document with an explanation for the following items:
  1. Contract Terms
  2. Prices
  3. Taxes
  4. Terms of payment
  5. Delivery and Schedule
  6. Risk of loss
  7. Substitutions
  8. Shortage
  9. Installments
  10. Force Majeure
  11. Standard Warranty
    • Product Warranty
    • Service Warranty
  12. Return of Products
  13. Intellectual Property
  14. Software
  16. Insurance
  17. Import and Export
  18. Health and Safety Compliance
  19. Witness of Tests & Factory Inspections
  20. Patterns and Tools
  21. Nuclear Applications
  22. Nature of Relationship
  23. Termination
  24. Cancellation
  25. Amendments
  26. Applicable Laws


Not necessarily for each delivery. In case the customer insist on having a type/special test for relevant delivery of Medium Power Transformers then this shall be included in the order.
Yes. The standard SD card part# BMXRMS008MP is included when purchasing the unit BMXPRA0100 Remote I/O module.


Issue: Return an inoperative drive or soft start under warranty. Product Line: Altivar, Altistart Environment: All models Cause: Altivar drive or Altistart soft start does not work, and I want to return under warranty. Resolution: To return a drive or soft start product, the first point of contact needs to be the Drives Product Support group (DPSG). The DPSG needs to create a case to document the part number, serial number and troubleshooting in order to set up a return. The Drives Engineer can make the determination if the product is covered under warranty, and confirm appropriate troubleshooting steps have been taken. The drive can be returned only or exchanged for the same product. To return only, contact the Claims team with the case number and request an inoperative with CCP return. For an exchange, contact the Drives Resale group in Raleigh with the case number and drive/soft start part number. If you are an end user, you will need to contact a local distributor or point of purchase with the case number.
One cause is that SP1 is not installed on the Win 7 Enterprise OS. SP1 on Win 7 32 / Enterprise is a requirement for Unity Pro V12.0.


- RCBO: is a device from Acti 9 range used for full protection functions (overload protection + Short circuit current protection + earth leakage protection with different sensitivities) - RCCB: is an earth leakage protection device only (stand-alone device) that needs an external CB for basic protection functions (overload protection + short circuit current protection)
SR2 is the compact range of Zelio Logic in which you cannot add any extensions of I/O modules or communication modules, While SR3 is a modular range and you can add I/O extension modules and communication modules.
Compact NSX range has Uimp of 8 kV. Following IEC-60947-1 / 60947-2 standard, 1,2/50 us impulse wave and power-frequency withstand voltage test are performed on the breaker. For the power-frequency withstand voltage test at 50 Hz, the voltage depends on the rated insulation voltage Ui (as illustrated in attached document), which is 800V for Compact NSX: Rated insulation voltage Ui : AC test voltage (R.M.S) 60 < Ui ≤ 300 : 1500 300 < Ui ≤ 690 : 1890 690 < Ui ≤ 800 : 2000 800 < Ui ≤ 1000 : 2200 So for Compact NSX the value of this voltage is 2000 V for 1 minute.
Generally, the motor with Class F insulation is considered as VFD graded motor, but it is specified that the dV/dT withstand capacity is 1 KV/μS. Hence, we cannot consider this motor as VFD graded motor.
  1. The standard IEC60034-17 clearly defines the admissible dV/dT levels for motor to be used with variable frequency drive. Hence the motors, which complies the dV/dT as per this standard only will be considered as VFD graded motor. The permissible limits are indicated in below picture

  2. Also, the standard NEMA MG 1-2011, Part 31, specifies that insulation systems to use with VFD in low-voltage (≤ 600 V) inverter-duty motors should be designed to withstand an upper limit of 3.1 times the motor's rated line-to-line voltage. This is equivalent to an upper limit of 1413 V peak volts at the motor terminals for a motor rated at 456V (415+10%). Rise times must equal or exceed 0.1 microseconds.
  3. The customer has mentioned that the peak voltage withstand capacity is 1 KV/μS, which is much lesser than the limit mentioned in above standards. Hence the motor cannot be used with VFD with the standard cable length provided in the catalog.
  4. If you need to use the motor with VFD, it is mandatory to use motor choke or sinus filter to reduce the dV/dT and peak voltage at motor terminal, the picture below will provide the dV/dT limit with motor choke.

As per the above information, the dV/dT will be limited to 1 KV/μS and the peak voltage will be 1000V with motor choke. Hence the motor will work without any problem by providing a choke in the output of the VFD.
You will need to use three fuses, and For Reference: DF431700 it is sold singly.
There are two possible solutions:
  1. Use ModNet native protocol has Vijeo Citect (Modbus TCP or series) .
  2. Using the OPC Server through Schneider OFSOPC driver (Modbus TCP or series based on the configuration of the alias)
nLP means No Line Power Cause :This fault appears when powering up the control part without powering up the power part . Remedy : Connect power to terminals: 1/L1,3/L2,5/L3